The modern method of breeding raising rabbits

The modern method of breeding raising rabbits

We’re gonna go to the house of my friend Ferdinand this friend of mine has been breeding rabbits and he got this inspiration from me because so many years ago he was asking about the alternative way to earn an income and I recommended to him rabbit we this kind of farming this rabbit we had caught the attention of the farmers because aside from this is very lucrative it’s really very easy to manage easy to manage because it will just require you to have a small space and lesser expenses for the food actually

Aquariums after the example of nature with sera your fish will feel good

Aquariums after the example of nature with sera your fish will feel good

In aquarium care, the most important thing is to make the living space of your fish reproduce the conditions to which they are accustomed in nature. The foundation for this is laid when planning the aquarium. If fish from the same natural habitat live in an aquarium, it is easy to create the right water conditions, if instead you combine fish from different waters, they may have totally different needs in terms of values, making it difficult to care for the aquarium.
To avoid a lot of work to care for your aquarium, use the sera online laboratory. You will easily learn how to use water conditioners and tests. You can monitor the quality of the water in your aquarium at all times and will receive suggestions for improvement immediately.

Care plans

1. Daily care:

    Lighting on and off:
    The lighting should be on for approximately 12 hours, which roughly corresponds to the length of a tropical day. In case of problems with algae, you can reduce the lighting to 8 hours, for example by turning it off for a few hours at noon. You can control the lighting hours with a timer.
    Water level control:
    Check the water level and restore the evaporated water so that the surface vacuum cleaner continues to work and the heater remains sufficiently submerged. Remove plant debris from the suction grids of the inner filter or the suction tube of the outer filter if they seriously impede the flow of water.
    Filter control:
    Also check if the filter and / or aerator are working properly. If the flow out of the filter clearly decreases, clean the filter materials. The filter outlet should be arranged in such a way that the surface of the water does not just move slightly. In this way, the loss of CO2 is reduced by creating better growth conditions for the plants and thus reducing the growth of algae.
    Temperature control:
    Today’s aquarium heaters are very reliable. However, once a day you should take a look at the aquarium thermometer. This way you can be sure that everything is going well.
    Feed the fish 2-3 times a day, but only as much as they consume in a short time. Feed nocturnal fish and those that live near the bottom after lighting is turned off.

2. Weekly care:

    Water change:
    Weekly partial water change is the most important care measure to maintain biological balance, especially in small aquariums. In larger aquariums or aquariums with little fish population, partial water changes at 2-3 week intervals are sufficient. If you are well organized, you should allow 15-20 minutes for each water change.
    In case the water values ​​drastically deteriorate, sera toxivec provides immediate help.
    Water tests:
    Once a week you should check the most important water values.
    Fertilize the plants:
    Plants perform important tasks in the aquarium: supply of vital oxygen to fish, biological removal of harmful substances. hiding places and limits of territory for fish.

3. Care as needed

    Inadvertent supercharging:
    After an hour the food still lies at the bottom of the aquarium without interest to the fish. Obviously it has been too much.
    Take the following measures immediately:
    Vacuum up food debris with the sera aquarium vacuum cleaner. As you do so, change between 15% and 30% of the aquarium water. Condition the new water with sera aqutan and sera nitrivec and check the water values.
    High levels of harmful substances?
    After the water tests, you see that the values ​​of harmful substances are above the maximum values ​​indicated. Some of the causes are:
    Too many fish for the size of the aquarium.
    The filter capacity is too small.

My Cat Bites and Kicks Me ! Causes and What to do ?

My Cat Bites and Kicks Me ! Causes and What to do ?
You may have experienced your cat biting you hard wrapping their front paws around you and kicking you with their back legs it can seem very aggressive and make us question our relationship animal wise explains why cats do this and how to prevent it.

They are Still a Kitten

They are still a kitten biting and kicking behaviour are part of a cat’s natural instincts from a young age kittens engage in this behaviour while playing because it helps them to learn skills for being an adult as well as testing their limits and boundaries if a kitten bites and kicks at this stage it is usually necessary play behavior.

They Have not Been eAducated Correctly

They have not been educated correctly if an adult cat bites and kicks you without warning it could be very painful it usually means there is something lacking in their education kittens learn by inhibition through play but if they have never been encouraged to play properly as a kitten they won’t know our boundaries as an adult this is when it becomes a problem early separation from mother and siblings is usually a contributing factor this is because it is with their mother
and siblings most of these lessons are learned if a kitten gets too rough they will be made to know it isn’t acceptable gradually learning their play limits in this video we provide some basic information on how to care for a kitten.

You Have Touched them Somewhere they don’t like

You’ve touched them somewhere they don’t like if you pet your cat and they suddenly become upset and attack you it’s possible you’ve touched them somewhere they don’t like this can be due to personal preference but it’s important to note if this represents a sudden change in behavior in the latter case it may mean they are in pain in this area and we should take them to a veterinarian for diagnosis
it is also normal for a cat to get angry if you disturb them when they want to be alone in peace this is why it is vital we register the body language of a cat otherwise we might miss warning signs to
 eave them alone.

They Have not Been Properly Socialized

They have not been properly socialized this aggressive behavior could be due to fear or negative experiences from their past especially if they have not been properly socialized with people and are unfamiliar with petting.
They only act Like this with Some people
they only act like this with some people finally it wouldn’t be strange for a cat to display aggressive behavior with a specific person if they have had negative experiences with them similarly it may be they are only comfortable around their guardian but are fearful of others whatever the cause of this behavior you should know your cat doesn’t do it out of badness there are always reasons behind their actions you should never scold or shout at them as it will only increase their
fare the following tips will help resolve this issue :

1. Stay Still

Stay still when your cat wraps their claws around you bites and bunny kicks with their back legs you should remain completely still any movement can encourage them to bite more this is because they either think you’re trying to harm them or that you’re engaging in play behavior.

2. Do not Talk to or Pet Them

Do not talk to or pet them it will also be counterproductive if you try to talk or pet them as they can take this as reinforcement of their behavior in this case it’s best to say a firm no and stop the game
this way they will gradually learn that body new makes their fun stop in general we shouldn’t play hunting games with our hands offer appropriate toys instead to redirect this behavior and help to reinforce that biting and kicking us is not acceptable our artilce will help with this redirection by showing five games to entertain your cat.

3. Understand Your Cat

Understand your cat if your cat does not tolerate being petted perhaps because they want to be alone it’s important you learn how to interpret their body language this way you will know when they are and are not receptive know and respect their limits otherwise they will feel misunderstood potentially becoming aggressive and resisting human contact.

4. Let Them get closer to you not the other way around

Let them get closer to you not the other way around you may need to change your usual way of interacting with them let your cat initiate contact this way you will know when they approach you will and are in a receptive mood for play you can even try to motivate them with a reward so they can associate you with more positive experiences.

5. Stroke Them on The Head and back

Stroke them on the head and back finally when you pet them you should always do it gently and slowly avoiding areas they don’t like to be touched such as the belly or the legs ideally start by petting the top of their head and progressively work.

How to Stop a Cat Climbing Places They shouldn’t

How to Stop a Cat Climbing Places They shouldn't
Cat’s climbing instinct is part of their species natural behavior unfortunately there are places they want to climb which are either disruptive to our home or present possible danger to their well-being this is why animal wise explains how to stop a cat climbing places they shouldn’t.
Should we prevent a cat from climbing
Should we prevent a cat from climbing house cats need to climb up to heights just the same as those with outdoor access for this reason we need to encourage healthy climbing and redirect this activity to vertical spaces of their own if the cat can climb at will in a large places they will deplete their pent-up energy and be less likely to climb on things they shouldn’t for this reason we provide the following recommendations.
1. Offer a scratching tree with different heights
offer a scratching tree with different heights cats prefer to observe their surroundings from height and even enjoy sleeping off the ground scratching trees provide platforms to do both these activities while also allowing them to maintain their claws the higher the scratching
tree the better tightly wound group is used for the scratching part so it allows the cat to be up high and exhibit their natural marking behavior check out this video where we tell you more about cat scratchers and the best places to put them.
2. Put obstacles in places they shouldn’t go
put obstacles in places they shouldn’t go cats don’t like something sticking to their paws or unpleasant textures to prevent them from climbing where they shouldn’t we have to ensure we make these prohibited places of little interest to them an effective and harmless solution is to put double-sided tape on surfaces you don’t want them to be if they step on it they will find the texture unpleasant and will lose interest in climbing there another option is to put an object that moves when the cat climbs on it it will teach them that continuing to climb is not worth it in addition if your cat climbs on the counter the sofa or the table try not to pet them if you do they will see climbing there as a way to get attention and will continue to do so.
3. How to prevent a cat from climbing on the curtains
hard to prevent a cat from climbing on the curtains for cats curtains are fascinating to stop them from climbing up them it’s necessary to make them uninteresting put them up so they don’t reach the floor or windowsill the hem being at least 10 centimeters off them should also tie them to stop them swaying especially if your cat is home alone a lot on the other hand don’t forget to make sure there are plenty of other alternative play options for your cat to be entertained discover five games to entertain your cat in the article that we share here.
4. How to prevent a cat from climbing up our legs
how to prevent a cat from climbing up our legs cats climbing up our legs often has to do with a desire for food from a young age cats climb trees for safety while their mothers hunt for food it’s also likely they see our legs as a way to get up high treating our legs as if they were the trunk of a tree if your cat climbs up your legs when you prepare food it’s best to keep them in a separate room until it’s time to eat however you will also need to create a cam environment to avoid anxiety over being excluded from the kitchen with consistency and positive reinforcement we can help them to stay calm it’s also important you don’t let your cat climb your legs in any circumstances even if you find it funny or endearing this will only confuse them and they won’t understand why you refuse them sometimes and sometimes not for example if the cat climbs your legs when you’re on the sofa offer an alternative such as a scratching post and redirect their attention
5. How to prevent a cat from climbing trees
how to prevent a cat from climbing trees if you’re afraid that your cat will not be able to come down from a tree you should know that it’s normal for them to wait a while before climbing down it makes you uneasy but once you’ve learned to understand their behavior climbing down the tree will no longer be a problem if you’re worried that your cat will escape from the garden you can place a fence in the tree that prevents access to the next yard or from climbing past a certain point you can also cover the trunk with aluminium foil to prevent them from
climbing you could also go back to using double-sided tape or plastic wrap because we already know they don’t like these textures.
Should we prevent a cat from climbing
Should we prevent a cat from climbing house cats need to climb up to heights just the same as those with outdoor access for this reason we need to encourage healthy climbing and redirect this activity to vertical spaces of their own if the cat can climb at will in a large places they will deplete their pent-up energy and be less likely to climb on things they shouldn’t for this reason we provide the following recommendations.
1. Offer a scratching tree with different heights
offer a scratching tree with different heights cats prefer to observe their surroundings from height and even enjoy sleeping off the ground scratching trees provide platforms to do both these activities while also allowing them to maintain their claws the higher the scratching
tree the better tightly wound group is used for the scratching part so it allows the cat to be up high and exhibit their natural marking behavior check out this video where we tell you more about cat scratchers and the best places to put them.
2. Put obstacles in places they shouldn’t go
put obstacles in places they shouldn’t go cats don’t like something sticking to their paws or unpleasant textures to prevent them from climbing where they shouldn’t we have to ensure we make these prohibited places of little interest to them an effective and harmless solution is to put double-sided tape on surfaces you don’t want them to be if they step on it they will find the texture unpleasant and will lose interest in climbing there another option is to put an object that moves when the cat climbs on it it will teach them that continuing to climb is not worth it in addition if your cat climbs on the counter the sofa or the table try not to pet them if you do they will see climbing there as a way to get attention and will continue to do so.
3. How to prevent a cat from climbing on the curtains
hard to prevent a cat from climbing on the curtains for cats curtains are fascinating to stop them from climbing up them it’s necessary to make them uninteresting put them up so they don’t reach the floor or windowsill the hem being at least 10 centimeters off them should also tie them to stop them swaying especially if your cat is home alone a lot on the other hand don’t forget to make sure there are plenty of other alternative play options for your cat to be entertained discover five games to entertain your cat in the article that we share here.
4. How to prevent a cat from climbing up our legs
how to prevent a cat from climbing up our legs cats climbing up our legs often has to do with a desire for food from a young age cats climb trees for safety while their mothers hunt for food it’s also likely they see our legs as a way to get up high treating our legs as if they were the trunk of a tree if your cat climbs up your legs when you prepare food it’s best to keep them in a separate room until it’s time to eat however you will also need to create a cam environment to avoid anxiety over being excluded from the kitchen with consistency and positive reinforcement we can help them to stay calm it’s also important you don’t let your cat climb your legs in any circumstances even if you find it funny or endearing this will only confuse them and they won’t understand why you refuse them sometimes and sometimes not for example if the cat climbs your legs when you’re on the sofa offer an alternative such as a scratching post and redirect their attention
5. How to prevent a cat from climbing trees
how to prevent a cat from climbing trees if you’re afraid that your cat will not be able to come down from a tree you should know that it’s normal for them to wait a while before climbing down it makes you uneasy but once you’ve learned to understand their behavior climbing down the tree will no longer be a problem if you’re worried that your cat will escape from the garden you can place a fence in the tree that prevents access to the next yard or from climbing past a certain point you can also cover the trunk with aluminium foil to prevent them from
climbing you could also go back to using double-sided tape or plastic wrap because we already know they don’t like these textures.

Meaning Behind most Strangest Rabbit Behaviors

Rabbits are subtle and complicated in the way they communicate, but taking time to learn their body language can help to strengthen the relationship with your cat. You can even find out how to reply to them!

1.Eating Cecotropes

When your bunny appears to be bathing their belly and they come up chewing, they are actually eating a cecal pellet. Irabbits produce two types of droppings, fecal pellets and cecal pellets. It is from these cecal pellets that rabbits get the majority of their nutrition.

2. Scattered Droppings

Scattered droppings signify that this territory belongs to the rabbit.
Rabbits mark their territory by spreading their poop around their home. These smelly messages warn other rabbits that the place belongs to them.
Territorial droppings often occur when a rabbit enters to a new environment, or when a new rabbit moves into the house.

3. Why rabbits rub their chin

Rabbits have scent glands under their chins that they use to mark their territory.
 This will be particularly helpful when bunnies move in the dark and cannot see.
If you have more than one rabbit, you’ll notice that chinning occurs more frequently.
If your rabbit rubs her chin on you, This is a sign that your rabbit loves you and feels safe with you.
If your rabbit is chinning another rabbit, it is often a display of affection.

4. Why rabbits dig

Digging is normal rabbit behavior. In the wild, rabbits dig burrows to escape from predators and have a comfortable spot to rest.
Beyond instincts, bunnies also dig for fun, or to occupy themselves when they are bored or stressed.
Some rabbits dog to shorten their nails.

5. What rabbits thump their foot?

Among rabbits, thumping the back foot is a natural reaction to a threat that they may have seen, heard or smelled.
Back leg stomping can also be a sign of annoyance in the rabbit world.
If your bunny is feeling irritated about something, whether it’s you stroking their back for too long, they may thump their feet to indicate feeling irked or uneasy at the moment.

6. Why rabbits grind their teeth

When a rabbit grinds their teeth, they are communicating enjoyment. This is a rabbit’s way of purring.
But teeth grinding can also be a sign of discomfort or pain. Grinding due to pain is often more frequent and louder than grinding due to contentment.

7. Why rabbits get the zoomies

Running around at fast speeds indicate a happy bunny and your rabbit is running around out of pure joy and excitement.

8. Why rabbits lick

Rabbits lick you for a lot of reasons. They may want to show you affection and love. They may even want to groom you to show that they care about your well-being.  Or they may simply enjoy the taste of your skin as you may have the residue of some yummy treat on your skin.
If your rabbit licks your clothes, they are probably showing you affection. Like chinning, licking is also a rabbit’s way to mark their territory, especially when the rabbit gives a few licks to the objects in the area.
Licking in this way helps rabbits to spread their scent.

9. Why rabbits twitch their nose.

Twitching their noses helps rabbits to smell better.
In rabbit body language, nose twitching is a sign of curiosity and alertness. If they’re curious about what’s going on, they waggle their nose fast to pick up the scents around them.
Rabbits may also twitch their nose fast to regulate their body temperature and cool off.

10. Why rabbits bite

Rabbits bite for a lot of reasons. Some rabbits may give you an innocent nip to get your attention, like when you stop petting them. By biting, your bunny is asking you to keep petting her.
Rabbits may also bite to stop unwanted actions or behaviors by humans or other animals
Generally, rabbits bite to show dominance, defend their food, or protect themselves.
Aggressive biting behavior can be prevented by spaying or neutering your bunny.

11.Why rabbits nudge.

Rabbits explore their environment by sniffing and nudging. They may nudge you to greet you, say Hello to you, or investigate you.  They may even nudge to get your attention or demand to be groomed, like when they want you to pet them.
However, a nudge can also mean, “you’re in my way!” or “Move please!”.

12. Why rabbits growl

Growling is a clear sign that your rabbit is angry or stressed.

13. Why rabbits binky

Binkying is a large jump in the air while the rabbit slightly twists its body or head at the same time. Rabbits binky when they feel very happy or excited.

14. Why rabbits spray

Some rabbits mark their territory by urinating on objects, other rabbits, people or everything in the range. This process is known as ‘spraying’.
Spraying is often directed at vertical surfaces.
Spraying a jet of urine on humans is usually the way rabbits show love for their owners.
Neutering or spaying your rabbit is an effective way to prevent them from spraying urine.

15. Why Rabbits twitch in their sleep

When your rabbit is sleeping, you may notice head, cheek, or even full-body twitches. Rabbits dream during the REM stage of sleep, and those twitches are responses to whatever’s happening in their dreams.

THow to Making Infused Honey Infusing Honey with Fresh Herbs

THow to Making Infused Honey Infusing Honey with Fresh Herbs
Infusing Honey with Fresh Herbs
You can add a hint of fresh herb fl avor to your light and medium honeys. First, gather the herbs as early in the morning as possible while they’re still fresh and full of fl avor. Wash thoroughly under cold water to remove soil, spent fl flowers, and old leaves. Almost any herb can be used.
Consider delicate-fl avored herbs such as rose petals, chamomile, or lavender, or stronger herbs, such as rosemary, anise, or mint. Use a light, mildly fl avored spring honey. Once you’ve fi ltered your crop, fi ll pint jars about four-fi fths full so adding the herbs won’t create overfl ow. Purchase reus-able tea bags or make your own from fi ne mesh nylon from a fabric store. The bags should be 2 “to 4” (5 to 10 cm) square with either a drawstring or a clamp on the opening. Chop delicate-fl avored herbs into moderate to fi ne pieces and add 3 to 5 table-spoons to the mesh bag and seal. For stronger herbs, use 2 to 4 tablespoons. Place a bag in each jar and set in a sunny windowsill for 1 to 2 weeks. After the fi rst week, taste the honey, and if strong enough, remove the bag. If more fl avor is desired, either add more herbs or let the herbs steep in the sun for another week. After the fl avor has reached its peak, remove the honey from the windowsill, care-fully remove the bag of herbs, and discard it. The honey can then be rebottled in gift jars or to sell.
Warmed Infused Honey
You can, of course, speed up this process, and at the same time have better control of the intensity of the fl avor you add to the honey. This procedure requires a larger quantity of herbs, and heating the honey to 180 ° F (82 ° C). This will, to a degree For rosemary, for instance, crush the rosemary leaves to release the fl avor. Place in a plastic zip-top bag and roll over them with a rolling pin one way, then turn the bag 90 degrees and roll the other way, being careful to crush them just enough to release the fl avor. If you hold the open bag to your nose, there should be a strong, but not overwhelming, fragrance of the herb in the bag.


4 Top Tips For Keeping Cats Cool

not all cats suffer the same in the same heat those which are overweight or have a pre-existing medical condition may be worse off but all cats will have problems if the temperatures rise too high this articl shows you how you can prevent such problems.

 4 Top Tips  For  Keeping Cats Cool

  1. Signs a cat is too hot 
  2.  Know if a cat has suffered heat stroke
  3.  Ideal room temperature for cats
  4.  How to keep a cat cool given

1. Signs a cat is too hot

A low domestic cats have an ancestor in desert wild cats heat can affect their health and well-being during the hottest months of
the year their activity is drastically reduced in some cases the cat will stay hidden for most of the sunlight hours taken to the coldest and darkest places to evade the high temperatures this is partly because cats don’t sweat like humans only having true sweat glands on their paw pads in addition to hiding behavior our cat may be too hot if they show the following increased water consumption general weakness inactivity bluish colored tongue hyper salivation muscle tremors and excessive grooming.

2. Know if a cat has suffered heat stroke

When outside temperatures are very high and cats are not protected they can suffer from hyperthermia or heat stroke this happens when their internal temperature rises above 39.2 degrees celsius or 102.5 degrees fahrenheit the highest body temperature that can be considered normal for cats a hyperthermic cat will have the following symptoms excessive panting impaired breathing tremors
seizures difficulty holding posture vomiting reddish rashes bluish skin and mucous membranes here we share a video where you can learn more about heat stroke in cats.

3. Ideal room temperature for cats 

There is a temperature range in which cats can regulate their heat loss to maintain a healthy body temperature so they don’t feel too cold or too hot in general cats do this best in ambient temperatures between 17 and 30 degrees celsius which is 62 to 86 degrees fahrenheit although it will depend on the individual for example shorter-haired cats fare best between 20 and 30 degrees celsius long-haired cats are best suited to temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees celsius.

4. How to keep a cat cool given

The negative consequences that excessive heat can have on our cat’s health we need to protect them first move them to a cool well ventilated place if the cat already shows signs of overheating the head neck back and abdomen can be moistened to cool down and normalize their temperature we should prevent them from going outside in the hottest hours or on days with more extreme temperatures on the other hand we must always keep the water bowl with fresh clean water and change it frequently a good idea is to put ice cubes several times a day to keep it cool or install a cat fountain the moving water encourages its consumption favoring proper hydration you can also offer fresh fruit and this articl shows you what fruit is suitable for cats.

finally remember that it’s important to prevent being overweight and obesity in cats by providing adequate nutrition and promoting physical activity on a daily basis cats with excess weight suffer more from the heat.

Top 8 dogs smell so bad

Any dog which is well cared for in terms of diet coke care and general hygiene shouldn’t have an odor problem as healthy dogs usually smell
fine however some breeds are less likely to smell than others something  in this articl on the top 8 dogs that don’t generally tend to smell. 

 Top 8  dogs smell so bad

  2.  Bedlington Terriers
  3.  Kerry Blue Terrier
  4.  Barbet
  5.  Pont-Audemer spaniel
  6.  Briard
  7.  Bouvier des Flandres
  8.  Spanish Water Dog


Poodles stand out as dogs which don’t tend to shed their hair although they may not shed often their coat still needs care with regular brushing and grooming poodles do have a tendency to suffer
from atopic dermatitis a problem which can result in seborrhea and consequently a poor body odor in the absence of dermatitis they are considered a good dog for allergy sufferers.

2. Bedlington Terriers

Bedlington terrier they are medium sized dogs that either don’t smell or do so with less intensity because their coat doesn’t shed if you’re thinking of adopting a bedlington terrier you should know they need a lot of physical and mental stimulation otherwise they can display destructive behaviors.

3. Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry blue terrier this dog is a breed of irish origin and medium size they have a wavy coat which grows long on their muzzle to give them
a beard said coat requires attention to not only keep them clean but also avoid tangles and knots something which can promote bad smells this breed also doesn’t shed much which contributes to their reputation for being one of the least smelly dog breeds.

4. Barbet

Barbet a french dog breed and one of the oldest dog breeds as well as one which doesn’t smell much their curly hair covers their entire body and includes a dense undercoat during their time as water dogs however in part due to their sociable affectionate and playful nature
companion animals.

5. Pont-Audemer spaniel (Épagneul de Pont-Audemer)

Pont auderer spaniel this dog’s coat is known for being non-greasy the characteristic doggy smell is due to natural sebum released from their hair follicles dog breeds which produce less of the secretion tend to have a less noticeable odor this french spaniel is also medium-sized and gets on well with both other dogs and children
they will need plenty of exercises there to remain calm and relaxed in the home.

6. Briard

Briard these specimens do not smell due to their characteristic dry fur which provides good protection against adverse weather conditions these french dogs were originally employed as shepherds for cattle and enjoyed mainly outdoor living they have been known to develop problems with other dogs perhaps because they retain their instinct for guardianship.

7. Bouvier des Flandres

bouvier to flanders these dogs are robust and large in size they do not always accept the presence of other dogs since they can be quite territorial however this is solved with adequate socialization when they are a puppy they can be included among the odorless dog breeds because of their dry and matte style coat although it does require regular effective care.

8. Spanish Water Dog

Spanish water dog as you can see many of the least smelly dogs tend to have curly hair and the spanish water dog is no exception these animals are very well behaved and display a great capacity for learning in fact if we’re lacking in their education they can develop behavioral problems due to being understimulated although they don’t shed much and generally smell better than others they are somewhat prone to knots and tangles.

Snacks for Rabbits

Offering treats and snacks to our rabbits provides many benefits more than the fact we can provide better nutrition by supplementing their main diet treats can be used as rewards to Bencourage certain behaviors and bunnies they also help us to strengthen the bond  we share as their guardians keep watching animal wise to see why and how.

Types of treats for rabbits

we find a wide variety of commercially available treat and snack options for rabbits these include chew treats made from various materials dry treats made with different types of ingredients hay in various forms treat bars with various ingredients vegetable and fruit chips some of which include cereals cereal or legume flakes the roots of different plants and herbs.

How to choose the best treats for rabbits ?

Many of the snacks on sale don’t have as healthy a composition as they should this is why it’s essential that before deciding which one to buy you read the list of ingredients for example some contain sugar a product that should never be present in the diet of rabbits as it’s harmful to their health we recommend you look for ingredients other than those that make up the rabbit’s usual diet in order to introduce variety in addition selecting those treats that could be manipulated as toys is a plus for the rabbit in this way they are both nourished and entertained.

How to make homemade treats for rabbits ?

there are treats for rabbits as natural and simple as providing pieces of fruit those that are suitable for rabbits include apricot blueberry
cherry plum raspberry apple peach and strawberry almonds walnuts sunflower or pumpkin seeds cereals such as rolled oats or barley and legumes such as peas and beans can also serve as a reward all these
foods should always be offered raw and without additives such as salt or sugar in the same way some vegetables such as carrots broccoli peppers cucumbers and zucchini just as spices like basil coriander  mint or chamomile serve as treats for rabbits discover other herbs that a rabbit can eat  another option for a homemade treat that is highly appreciated by some rabbits is the branch of certain fruit trees such as apple orange or pear other trees such as poplar pine or willow may be used rabbits like to nibble in these types of wood something they need to do to naturally wear down their continuously growing teeth without them painful abnormal growth can occur.

How to give prizes to a rabbit ?

first of all we must never lose sight of the fact that even if we introduce treats they need to maintain a balanced diet  helps you know what a balanced rabbit diet entails the amount of treats and snacks you provide should be minimal for example half an almond a seed or a tablespoon of fruit per kilogram of a rabbit’s ideal weight can be offered daily unless the fruit is dried in the latter case the fruit needs to be reduced by about a third give new ingredients in small measures to begin with and observe their reaction in addition to increasing the variety of nutrients and stimuli treats can be utilized as a motivation to rehash wanted practices or even become familiar with specific orders be that as it may on the off chance that we need the bunny to comprehend why they are being complimented we need to give them the reward immediately after doing the act.

Info Working Dog in Pets

First-time dog proprietors regularly have not many requests of their pet: he should be “entirely adorable” and, obviously, “devoted”; he additionally must be “ready.” Furthermore, they totally don’t need a “character dog” (by which they mean obstinate, prevailing, or overactive) in light of the fact that those are so diffi religion to teach.

Shockingly, a ton of the dogvarieties that are famous with the overall population have as of not long ago been working canines: sheepdogs, watch canines, and insurance canines, which are all “character” canines that hold their ground. Yet, that is the thing that a great many people don’t need any longer; they request adorable, committed, pet canines—even from those gatekeeper and assurance breeds. The public will get what they request. In under 30 years, working canines that were earlier of fi rm character and dynamic tem-perament became, through negligent reproducing, apprehensive nestle dog. This fi ts the requests of the new purchasers well indeed, on the grounds that anxious and terrified canines fi rmly press themselves to their own-ers and are thusly “exceptionally cherishing.” Due to their unreasonable submis-siveness, they are more often than not carelessly subservient to individuals and are taken to be “dutiful.” And on the grounds that such dogs fear even their own shadows, each solid will make them bark, so one closes they are “ready” watch dogs. Without a doubt, they bark and are ovable and faithful, yet for totally unexpected reasons in comparison to their ancestors.

Breed  Foundations

The necessary reasonable characteristics of a dog variety were, and still are, the establishment of most varieties. At the point when we permit ourselves to sabotage those establishments, we do so realizing that the strong structures our archetypes developed will ultimately tumble down. Some may say, “The down to earth worth of my variety doesn’t between est me; I have my dog just as a decent pet and I would prefer not to prepare him. Plus, in numerous principles, they say that the variety is an optimal pet.” here and there, this is right, yet the assessment is additionally off-base. We need to watch that we don’t discard the good along with the bad.

There are a ton of dogs out there that never have seen game or recovered a bird. By a similar token, there are numerous sheepdogs that chase sheep as opposed to tending them, or watchman and assurance canines that have not the smallest thought how to shield against an assault.

Breed  Characteristics

Indeed, even a dog with a pretty much genuine deficiency to his variety standard can be a fi ne dog and will no doubt be a remarkable companion. Yet, the affection for our own dogs ought not visually impaired us to what the variety altogether must be. Every one of our varieties ought to have a specific person, a specific conduct, a specific design, and attributes that have an immediate association with their unique work. Those spe-cifi c characteristics differentiate the specifi c varieties, make their differences on them, and ought to be indistinguishably associated with them. A terrier has an alternate design and disposition than a sheepdog in light of the fact that initially these two varieties were intended to do totally various things. With the weakening of the functioning characteristics, the doghimself, in animal, character, and type, gets weakened. What we need to have are diverse dog varieties that have cer-tain attributes. Such attributes are straightforwardly associated with the first undertaking for which our archetypes chose those canines hundreds of years prior. It is critical that we not harm that cautious choice in about a couple of years. Or on the other hand do a few group truly need to have a kind of “uniform” dog? All things considered, we would be wise to raise another “family” dog for them. In any case, let such individuals avoid the functioning dogs. Luckily, there are still sufficient individuals who like the functioning dog, with all his great and particular qualities

We have substantially more requirement for less lovely  dogs that have awesome and stable characters than wonderful however intellectually frail and mediocre canines. We should not turn the entire boat around to custom fi t the varieties as indicated by the longings of pet purchasers. The distinctive dog varieties once requested certain necessities of character and along these lines specific kinds of proprietors, not the opposite way around.