not all cats suffer the same in the same heat those which are overweight or have a pre-existing medical condition may be worse off but all cats will have problems if the temperatures rise too high this articl shows you how you can prevent such problems.

 4 Top Tips  For  Keeping Cats Cool

  1. Signs a cat is too hot 
  2.  Know if a cat has suffered heat stroke
  3.  Ideal room temperature for cats
  4.  How to keep a cat cool given

1. Signs a cat is too hot

A low domestic cats have an ancestor in desert wild cats heat can affect their health and well-being during the hottest months of
the year their activity is drastically reduced in some cases the cat will stay hidden for most of the sunlight hours taken to the coldest and darkest places to evade the high temperatures this is partly because cats don’t sweat like humans only having true sweat glands on their paw pads in addition to hiding behavior our cat may be too hot if they show the following increased water consumption general weakness inactivity bluish colored tongue hyper salivation muscle tremors and excessive grooming.

2. Know if a cat has suffered heat stroke

When outside temperatures are very high and cats are not protected they can suffer from hyperthermia or heat stroke this happens when their internal temperature rises above 39.2 degrees celsius or 102.5 degrees fahrenheit the highest body temperature that can be considered normal for cats a hyperthermic cat will have the following symptoms excessive panting impaired breathing tremors
seizures difficulty holding posture vomiting reddish rashes bluish skin and mucous membranes here we share a video where you can learn more about heat stroke in cats.

3. Ideal room temperature for cats 

There is a temperature range in which cats can regulate their heat loss to maintain a healthy body temperature so they don’t feel too cold or too hot in general cats do this best in ambient temperatures between 17 and 30 degrees celsius which is 62 to 86 degrees fahrenheit although it will depend on the individual for example shorter-haired cats fare best between 20 and 30 degrees celsius long-haired cats are best suited to temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees celsius.

4. How to keep a cat cool given

The negative consequences that excessive heat can have on our cat’s health we need to protect them first move them to a cool well ventilated place if the cat already shows signs of overheating the head neck back and abdomen can be moistened to cool down and normalize their temperature we should prevent them from going outside in the hottest hours or on days with more extreme temperatures on the other hand we must always keep the water bowl with fresh clean water and change it frequently a good idea is to put ice cubes several times a day to keep it cool or install a cat fountain the moving water encourages its consumption favoring proper hydration you can also offer fresh fruit and this articl shows you what fruit is suitable for cats.

finally remember that it’s important to prevent being overweight and obesity in cats by providing adequate nutrition and promoting physical activity on a daily basis cats with excess weight suffer more from the heat.

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