THow to Making Infused Honey Infusing Honey with Fresh Herbs

Infusing Honey with Fresh Herbs You can add a hint of fresh herb fl avor to your light and medium honeys. First, gather the herbs as early in the morning as possible while they’re still fresh and full of fl avor. Wash thoroughly under cold water to remove soil, spent fl flowers, and old leaves. …

Royal jelly properties and components

Royal jelly is the most fascinating product of all those obtained from the hive. Known for several centuries, this substance still fascinates researchers due to its complexity. It is a thick, viscous, whitish fluid that bees use to feed their larvae during the first two days of life. But if the larvae are queens, they …

5 things you can do to help bees

Here are 5 things you can do to help bees. There are always ways to help wild bees and pollinators, small actions can make a difference, from our home, our work, in the city or the countryside we can contribute and save them. 1. Know more to respect them better. Visit a beekeeping classroom, as …

Types of bees in Europe

To have the disagreeable property during the theft period of following a beekeeper along the apiary. They are more prone to proliferate than Italian bees and beekeepers. The honey seal of Dutch bees is whiter than Italian or yellow bees. Dutch bees They are more prone to proliferate than Italian bees and beekeepers. The honey …

Some Of Tthe Better Honey Plants To Know

  So, what honey crops are you looking for? Seasoned beekeepers generally know the major nectar crops their bees make honey from, but a surprising number of beekeepers don’t know just how many good crops are out there. Too often, honey shows up and they don’t know the source. These mystery sources fall into the …

Italian honey bee (Apis Mellifera Ligustica)

The Italian honey bee is native to mainland Italy, southern Alps and northern Sicily, and was brought to the United States in 1859. We know them for their prolific cycles and brood production, their gentle nature and their reluctance to swarm. The disadvantages include: consuming resources at a rapid rate; robbing stores in weaker or …