Here are 5 things you can do to help bees. There are always ways to help wild bees and pollinators, small actions can make a difference, from our home, our work, in the city or the countryside we can contribute and save them.

1. Know more to respect them better.

Visit a beekeeping classroom, as a family or in school groups, there are in all regions of Spain where we can learn the enormous value they lend to nature.
Bringing people closer
Inside the school or institute, suggest the visit of a beekeeper to talk about the bees and the products of the hive. In science classes, pay special attention to social insects and plant pollination.

2. Buy local honey

Local honey is produced by nearby beekeepers, it preserves the vitamins and other properties of honey to the maximum. This helps the beekeeper to cover the costs of beekeeping. The local honey meets all the requirements of food standards. Its flavor reflects the local flora and is very different from that of foreign origin sold in supermarkets. If you find jars with crystallized honey, it is a sign of its purity and that it has not been pasteurized.

3. Help protect bee swarms

Swarming is a natural process when bee colonies decide to reproduce. If a swarm appears, contact your town hall or 112 to contact a local beekeeper who will collect the swarm.
Bees, in a swarm, are usually very calm and present little danger. They become aggressive if we disturb them or spray them with water, we have to leave them alone and wait for a beekeeper to take them away.

4. Become a beekeeper

Beekeeping is a fascinating and interesting hobby, you can eat honey from your own bees. Every year, the beekeeping associations and municipalities, give introductory courses, then other organizations can advise you even to lend the first hives.

5. Call attention to our political representatives.

Ask your political representatives what is being done to further research on recent bee diseases.
Why are there fewer and fewer bees in our ecosystems, how beekeeping is supported by the City Council, the Autonomous Community or at the National level.
This helps to raise awareness among the political class, they depend on aid for research projects, courses, grants.

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