My Cat Bites and Kicks Me ! Causes and What to do ?

You may have experienced your cat biting you hard wrapping their front paws around you and kicking you with their back legs it can seem very aggressive and make us question our relationship animal wise explains why cats do this and how to prevent it. They are Still a Kitten They are still a kitten …

4 Top Tips For Keeping Cats Cool

not all cats suffer the same in the same heat those which are overweight or have a pre-existing medical condition may be worse off but all cats will have problems if the temperatures rise too high this articl shows you how you can prevent such problems.  4 Top Tips  For  Keeping Cats Cool Signs a …

Snacks for Rabbits

Offering treats and snacks to our rabbits provides many benefits more than the fact we can provide better nutrition by supplementing their main diet treats can be used as rewards to Bencourage certain behaviors and bunnies they also help us to strengthen the bond  we share as their guardians keep watching animal wise to see …

Saltwater aquariums and their special care

We live in a time in which more and more people feel a special concern towards aquarium hobbies, or what is the same, the love for raising fish and other aquatic organisms in home aquariums. What’s more, recent studies show, in addition to being one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world, …

What are the causes of ataxia in horses

There are many causes of ataxia in horses. The most frequently cited is Wobbler’s syndrome, linked to a malformation of the neck, but it is far from the only one. 1. Mechanical causes They are linked to compression of the spinal cord in the cervical region of the horse. In fact, ataxia is a symptom …

6 Most Common Mistakes That Rabbit Owners Make

If you have made these mistakes, don’t feel too bad. We’ve all been there (including me) and started off making any number of bad decisions based on false marketing and an inaccurate perception of rabbits as pets. Instead of feeling guilty about all the mistakes I have made in the past, I choose to learn …