The 5 most dangerous dog breeds

Dogs, through their education and the way they have been trained, show a character that is unique and specific to them. While some are meaner, others prefer to display a rather gentle and cuddly character. But, whatever their character, it makes them very good companions. Thinking of adopting your pooch? The first thing to do …

Italian honey bee (Apis Mellifera Ligustica)

The Italian honey bee is native to mainland Italy, southern Alps and northern Sicily, and was brought to the United States in 1859. We know them for their prolific cycles and brood production, their gentle nature and their reluctance to swarm. The disadvantages include: consuming resources at a rapid rate; robbing stores in weaker or …

Top 5 easy-going fish for a successful aquarium

Each of your visits to your garden center leaves you in awe and wonder at the fish. After much hesitation, you have decided to get into the aquarium hobby. As a beginner, you must first acquire a fully equipped aquarium, of the correct size, which will allow the fish to play in good conditions. After …

6 Most Common Mistakes That Rabbit Owners Make

If you have made these mistakes, don’t feel too bad. We’ve all been there (including me) and started off making any number of bad decisions based on false marketing and an inaccurate perception of rabbits as pets. Instead of feeling guilty about all the mistakes I have made in the past, I choose to learn …