The 5 most dangerous dog breeds

The 5 most dangerous dog breeds
Dogs, through their education and the way they have been trained, show a character that is unique and specific to them. While some are meaner, others prefer to display a rather gentle and cuddly character. But, whatever their character, it makes them very good companions. Thinking of adopting your pooch? The first thing to do is to determine the character of dog that suits you best: rather docile or mean. If you are looking for a rather mean dog, this article is for you. Find here the five most dangerous dog breeds and find your own.
The American Pit Bull Terrier
It is the most dangerous dog breed in the world. This very aggressive animal is characterized by its impulsive character on the one hand and on the other hand, which attacks without any particular reason or provocation. For this very violent and threatening peculiarity, the American Pit Bull Terrier is now banned in some countries.
The Rottweiler
The Rottweiler has been one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world for a number of years. This nasty dog ​​attribute has been attributed to them from when Rottweilers were the leading cause of multiple dog bite deaths in the U.S. Indeed, it is difficult to get out of an attack and of a confrontation with this breed of dog. But although it is also dangerous, the Rottweiler is a very obedient and protective animal with its owner so beware of those who prey on their owner!
The German Shepherd
But of course the German Shepherd will be one of the most formidable dog breeds on earth! Above all, it is out of the question to come close to it, if it is to provoke it, as the German Shepherd will not hesitate to attack if he feels on the defensive. Intelligent and courageous to be sure, but he can also show his harmful side when he too feels in danger. For these reasons and although he is said to be “aggressive”, the German Shepherd Dog is a good protector, loyal to his master.
The Doberman Pinscher
Here is a breed of dog that will prove to be loyal on the one hand and on the other hand will be vigilant and very obedient. It is out of the question to approach it if you have a great fear of large dogs, because its size and weight already make it so aggressive. Of German origin, the Doberman Pinscher is an animal that has played a role in police investigations as well as in criminal investigations. And that’s all the more reason to be wary even though these dogs are very protective once they feel loved and in family. One reason that will help you feel safe in their company.
The Alaskan Malamute
The Alaskan Malamute is among the top 5 fiercest dogs on earth. Despite their cuddly appearance, this breed wouldn’t limit themselves to a simple petting or a treat when it comes to calming them down. He is distinguished by his athletic side and very difficult to calm down, as they may sometimes be more disobedient than one might imagine.

Fastest horse in the World

Fastest horse in the World

There is money – you can buy at least a dozen brides for yourself and you can’t buy a good horse for money. He steals an arrow and is loyal to his master. “Mikhail Lermontov. The fastest horse in the world can easily compete with certain types of transport. And what wit, beauty and grace these animals have!

horse speed
There are horses intended for the transport of goods, it is scary. And there is – to participate in races is to go horseback riding. The average speed of horses is usually 15-20 km / h, but horses grow big several times. Gait plays an important role: stride, gallop, lynx, career, amble The fastest of these is gallop .On short distances (up to 2800 m) it reaches 60 km / h, on longer distances it is about 50-55 km / h.The unsurpassed bystrekhodtsami are pure English.

The fastest in the world

Stallion Beach Rakit is a breeding producer, most of the time occupying a leading position in races. In 1945, in Mexico City, he defended the chief’s place. In the ¼ mile race (409.26 m.), He reached a speed of 69.6 km / h. This result is history

The horse Oniol Roll in 1993 approached this indicator to the maximum.

The thoroughbred Siglevi Slave covered a distance of 804 meters without a rider with a result of 69.3 km / h.

The distance of 2400 meters (long distance) was crossed by the stallion John Henry at a speed of 60.7 km / h. The runner with the equipment weighed 57.1 kg.

Italian honey bee (Apis Mellifera Ligustica)

Italian honey bee (Apis Mellifera Ligustica)

The Italian honey bee is native to mainland Italy, southern Alps and northern Sicily, and was brought to the United States in 1859. We know them for their prolific cycles and brood production, their gentle nature and their reluctance to swarm. The disadvantages include: consuming resources at a rapid rate; robbing stores in weaker or neighboring beehives; difficulties with natural pests; can’t stand the cold. Renowned beekeeper Thomas White Woodbury first introduced the Italian bee to Britain in 1859 and considered it vastly superior to the ancient British black bee (Am mellifera).

Italian queen bee
Italian queens are the heart of the American beekeeping industry, native to the Apennine Peninsula in Italy and imported to the United States in the late 1850s. We know them well for their gentle nature, abundant brood production, and excellent foraging abilities of their workers.There are a few subspecies of Italian bees found in the world:
The yellow bee (Apis Metlifica)
The yellow bee species are a subtype of Italian bees, followed by the Cypriot, Syrian, Israeli, Egyptian and Saharan bees. They imported them to the United States before the other bees. It is widespread in the United States and yields the greatest amount of honey.
Their nature is rustic, industrious and prefers to sit quietly on the shelves. Most Italian American bees have three yellow bands with a black border. Some bees have four and sometimes five stripes. The aboriginal races of Italian bees have only 2 yellow bands, and the third, near the breast, is not always clear. Italian-American bees are yellower than Italian bees.
Imported yellow bees have a muddy or dark tint. We know that the darker the Italian bees are due to a more peaceful nature. Rarely, the queen’s abdomen is entirely yellow. Most often the upper body is yellow, but the lower part and tip of the abdomen are black while bumblebees and worker bees are striped, but generally their body is dark, sometimes with one or two yellow stripes. . Italian bees can live with wax moth larvae in their hives, but we can’t say that about American black bees. Italian bees clean the beehive from wax moth. Young Italian bees quickly destroy ringworm. Weak black bees or Dutch bees cannot cope with ringworm..

Top 5 easy-going fish for a successful aquarium

Top 5 easy-going fish for a successful aquarium

Each of your visits to your garden center leaves you in awe and wonder at the fish. After much hesitation, you have decided to get into the aquarium hobby. As a beginner, you must first acquire a fully equipped aquarium, of the correct size, which will allow the fish to play in good conditions. After installation, it’s time to select the fish … A real dilemma as they all seem to catch your eye with a flick of a fin. That’s why we offer you the top 10 easiest fish to acclimatize in an aquarium.

The fighter (betta splendens)
This fish will charm you with its shimmering colors, its vaporous fins in continuous movement and its slender elegance. On the other hand, the fighter will have to live alone if not a pitched battle with his congeners assured.
The guppy (poecilia reticulata)
A small rainbow of tangy colors, the guppy is a particularly lively but rather peaceful fish. It will need a clear but planted swimming space in an aquarium of at least 60 liters for 4 specimens. Water between 20 and 26 ° C suits him. As the guppy tends to reproduce easily, it is advisable to introduce one male for every three females into your aquarium.
The xipho (xiphophorus hellerii)
A fairly large fish compared to its congeners, the male of which can be distinguished from the female by the sword which extends its caudal fin. A peculiarity which earned him the name of “sword-bearer”. The easy-to-breed and breed xipho needs water between 20 and 26 ° C. Peaceful and active fish that can still reach 10 to 12 cm, it will need an aquarium of a little larger volume. Opt for a covered aquarium if you don’t want him to be able to jump outside.
Platy (xiphophorus maculatus)
Strong and vigorous fish that will need a minimum of 80 liters of water due to its size. The platy is the life of the aquarium, which is constantly on the move and in search of food. It’s a very prolific fish too! He, too, needs water with a temperature of between 20 and 26 ° C.
The molly (poecilia sphenops)
Black, Dalmatian or gold dust, the molly is also very popular with aquarists for its robustness, fertility and elegance. Ideally, he appreciates hard water but he will be able to be tolerant to all other environments. Because the male is particularly demanding of mating, plants will allow the females to hide.

6 Most Common Mistakes That Rabbit Owners Make

If you have made these mistakes, don’t feel too bad. We’ve all been there (including me) and started off making any number of bad decisions based on false marketing and an inaccurate perception of rabbits as pets. Instead of feeling guilty about all the mistakes I have made in the past, I choose to learn from my mistakes and help people like you have the resources you need to make changes and take better care of your beloved pet rabbit.

In this articl we will talk about the six most common mistakes that rabbit owners make.

1. Not getting the rabbit spayed or neutered

Pet rabbits need to be spayed or neutered once they reach maturity. It’s one of the added expenses of adopting a young rabbit, but it’s crucial to your rabbit’s health and for keeping peace in the household.
Rabbits who haven’t been spayed or neutered have a high risk of developing reproductive cancer. Female rabbits, in particular, are in danger. They have an 80% chance of developing uterine cancer by the time they are 6 years old if they have not been spayed. Sadly very few rabbits are able to recover from this type of cancer.
Spaying and neutering also help with many rabbit behavioral issues that arise once they reach maturity. Many rabbits will become increasingly territorial and aggressive. If they haven’t been neutered, they’ll be more likely to spray urine around the house and attack other people who invade their space

2. Feeding them too many carrots and fruits

In the wild, rabbits don’t naturally eat root vegetables or fruit.
Carrots and fruit are high in sugar and should only be given to bunnies as occasional treats in small amounts.
As a rule of thumb, an approximate amount of fruit to feed your rabbit is one teaspoon per 2 pounds of body weight per day.
And believe it or not, some light-colored lettuce, like iceberg, contains lactucarium and can be harmful to your rabbit
Darker, fibrous and more leafy varieties of lettuce, like romaine lettuce should be fed, as they are higher in actual nutrients and fiber.
Likewise, muesli should never be fed to rabbits as it can cause health problems in bunnies.

3. Bathing your rabbit

Rabbits are very clean animals and they never need a bath.
If your rabbit doesn’t clean itself properly, it could be a sign that they need a visit to the vet.
Bathing your rabbit can be harmful because rabbits may panic and fracture their spine or a limb if they thrash around. Bathing is very stressful for most rabbits and can cause respiratory infections and even heart attacks. And your rabbit may develop hypothermia
And remember, a rabbit’s skin is very sensitive and delicate. Bathing them strips away the natural oils on their body and irritates their skin.
If your rabbit needs to be cleaned, you must only spot-clean them, or give them a dry bath.

4. Keeping rabbits outside

The outdoors is full of dangers for pet rabbits.  Not bunny proofing your house Some rabbits can be trouble makers. They may chew on the objects around your home, or dig into carpeted floors.  Rabbit-proofing your home is a must for protecting both your pet and your belongings.
Make sure to cover your exposed wires with plastic sleeves or flex tubing. Seal off spaces behind and beneath furniture and cabinets, and wrap your wooden table or chair legs with flex tubing.
And it is important to keep any houseplants out of the reach of your bunny. Many plants are toxic to rabbits, and rabbits’ instincts don’t always guide them about what plant is safe for them.

5. Not Spaying or Neutering Your Rabbit

Spaying or neutering your bunny also lowers the risk of reproductive cancer and urinary tract infections. In particular, female rabbits are in danger. If they have not been spayed, they have 80% chance of facing uterine cancer by the time they are 6 years old.

6 . Eye catchy pellet mixes

Many eye-catchy pellet mixes marketed toward rabbits contain sugary pieces, seeds, peas, and other ingredients that often lead to an unhealthy rabbit digestive system and obesity. Instead, give your rabbit just those plain, boring-looking pellets, and your rabbit will love you for it.