Tips prepare dogs for winter

Do you all dogs feel the cold since they often have such thick coats and seem to enjoy running in the snow it’s a common question dog guardians ask themselves in this articl we answer this question by identifying how to tell a dog is cold and how we can protect them from low temperatures.

Do All Dogs Feel the Cold the Same Way ?

Do all dogs feel the cold the same way there are a number of dog breeds better suited to enduring the cold due to the development of a thick undercoat during winter which protectsagainst low temperatures some examples include the alaskan malamute the siberian husky and the saint bernard not all breeds possess the ability to grow an undercoat and need help protecting against the icy breeze these dogs include chihuahuas the french bulldog the yorkshire terrier and the chinese crested dog these latter breeds have very short hair barely shed their coat or have little to no hair in the first place in all breeds puppies and elderly dogs are more susceptible to the cold if our dog falls into any of these categories then we know they definitely
need help to keep warm however any dog will be cold at a low
enough temperature so it’s important to observe for any of the following signs.

2. Signs Your Dog is Cold

Signs your dog is cold tremors are the main sign your dog is cold
when they begin to shiver it’s most likely they feel the low temperature unless they have a medical condition which causes tremors if you notice they breathe slower or have difficulty in doing so it could be they feel the cold low temperatures can also lead to muscle stiffness increasing the visibility of tremors another consequence of the cold might be that your dog is more tired and sleeps more than usual similarly if they squirm in their sleep or trying to lie on top of themselves it’s because they feel the cold and want to conserve heat especially with hairless dogs low temperatures can cause their skin to dry out and become flaky something which needs to be treated now that you know how to tell if a dog is cold we can present three different ways to protect them in winter.

3. Provide a Suitable Place to Sleep

if your canine ordinarily dozes in the nursery or an outdoor area
we recommend you move their bed inside avoid getting sick
f unexpectedly you can’t have the canine inside  you should realize how to shield them from the colder time of year cold you can’t let them rest outside vulnerable without a few assurance this means they need to have a well-conditioned doghouse with blankets and beds
they will also need a heater if the temperatures are sufficiently low since exposure to the cold can be life threatening they need as much protection as possible find out more about where a dog should sleep.

4. Give Them A Blanket

if you live somewhere with low temperatures give the dog a blanket so they can cover themselves when cold additionally there are thermal blankets or heated mats which can be used to keep them warm we can put these on top if they are to rest through the night if your dog trembles from the cold and blankets are not enough to keep them from shivering then you should check the material their bed is made from they may need something which is better insulated.

5. Buy Them Warm Clothes

buying specialized clothes for your dog and putting them on before going for a walk you can also purchase dog sweaters which are usually knitted and cover the dog from the abdomen to neck being slightly thinner than jackets they are better suited to fall or early winter seasons dog coats are usually made from insulated materials which are most resistant to cold and therefore provide more protection in this way we recommend choosing this article of clothing for them in winter  anyway you will likewise have to bear in  mind that a protecting coat can contrarily influence their prosperity when temperatures rise this is the reason you should pay attention to the weather and only put clothes on when needed.

 lastly if you live somewhere snow is common your dog may also need some boots especially if they refuse to step in the snow due to the cold or the sensation that it produces.

Royal jelly properties and components

Royal jelly is the most fascinating product of all those obtained from the hive. Known for several centuries, this substance still fascinates researchers due to its complexity. It is a thick, viscous, whitish fluid that bees use to feed their larvae during the first two days of life. But if the larvae are queens, they feed them royal jelly throughout their lives. That difference makes queen bees the physical wonder they are and allows them to live for up to five years, rather than the few weeks a worker lives. She keeps reading and finds out all about royal jelly.

1 – What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly is a viscous substance produced by young bees, the nurses, through the hypopharyngeal gland, located on their head. It is an acidic liquid, with a strong and slightly spicy flavor, which contains a huge amount of nutrients. So many, that it is considered a superfood.
To generate the jelly, the nurses consume pollen and, after processing their proteins together with enzymes and other substances, they secrete the jelly with which they feed the larvae.
In the case of worker larvae, the jelly is only supplied for two days, and is mixed with some pollen. However, if the larva is destined to be a queen bee, royal jelly is offered throughout its development and subsequently throughout its life.
Each nurse worker produces royal jelly between the fifth and the fifteenth day of life, approximately. However, at the end of winter, when there are hardly any young bees in the hive.

2. How do you get royal jelly?

The worker cells contain very little jelly, just a few drops. However, in the large queen cells, the nurses shed an appreciable amount, which can be harvested.
To harvest jelly, beekeepers force the production of queen bees. To do this, they overstimulate the hives with artificial feeding. Later, they orphansize them, which awakens in the workers the instinct to produce new queens. In addition, the open brood – young larvae – is removed to prevent queens from being produced in the combs.
Once orphaned and without the possibility of stretching real cells from their own larvae, the hives are supplied with a series of domed slats in which larvae of less than three days from other hives will have been implanted. Immediately, queenless hives adopt these larvae, generating royal cells that fill with jelly.
When the cells have enough royal mush, they are harvested and the jelly is aspirated with a pneumatic device or removed with a spatula. Immediately, it is stored in jars that are hermetically closed and protected from the sun and heat. So that it does not lose properties, it must be kept cold.
The jelly, once harvested, is ready to be consumed. It can be taken alone and fresh. In this case, the recommended daily dose is to take a portion the size of a lentil. And they can also be found in many preparations, even mixed with other substances, such as ginsen or vitamin C.

3. Properties of royal jelly

Royal jelly is a substance with enormous chemical complexity. Although 60 percent of its weight is water, the other 40 percent contains sugars, lipids and, above all, proteins. Notable among these is the presence of royolactin, the protein responsible for making the queen fed with royal jelly develop.
Besides protein, royal jelly contains a good amount of vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6 and B8, vitamins C, D, E and PP. And it is also rich in folic acid, lipoproteins, hormones, enzymes and minerals such as iron, manganese, cacium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, aluminum, magnesium, silicon, copper or phosphorus.
Lastly, it is known to contain the 20 essential amino acids: arginine, valine, histidine, insoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, proline, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, cystine, and tyrosine.
With these ingredients, the jelly of the queens is shown as one of the most concentrated foods that are known, which is why it is considered a superfood and is recommended as reinvigorating, in addition to being effective in a good number of ailments and deficiency states.

4- Benefits of royal jelly

In addition to being a remarkable energy supply, royal jelly has many other beneficial effects for the body. Among the most recognized, it is worth highlighting:
    Improves the activity of the adrenal glands.
    It reinforces sexual activity.
    It stimulates the growth of cellular tissue, especially the epithelial.
    Rejuvenates the skin and protects it against aging.
    It has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is a natural antibiotic.
    It improves the tension of the hypotensive without affecting that of the hypertensive.

Horse history

The modern domesticated horse (Equus caballus) is found throughout the world and is counted as one of the most diversified creatures in existence. In North America, the horse was endangered in the late Pleistocene, but 2 wild subspecies survived until years ago, the Tarpan (Equus ferus ferus), which became extinct in 1919) and the Przewalski horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) , of which there are currently a small number).

The history of the horse, especially the part that talks about domestication, continues to be debated, because the evidence itself is debatable. Unlike other animals, criteria such as the change in body morphology (horses are very diverse) or the location of a particular horse outside its normal distribution (horses are highly distributed animals) are not helpful in helping to solve the problem.
The first indications of domestication are related to the presence of what appeared to be a pile of animal excrement in an area delimited by posts, which experts interpret as representing a horse corral. These evidence were found in Krasny Yar, Kazakhstan, in areas dating back to 5000 BC and it is believed that the horses may have been kept as a source of food and milk, rather than used for riding or carrying.

Accepted archaeological evidence for horsemanship includes little wear on horse teeth, which has been found in the steppe east of the Ural Mountains at Botai and Kozhai in present-day Kazakhstan, around 3500-3000 BC. The little wear on the teeth of some of the archaeological remains found suggests that several of them were mounted for hunting and others were used for food and milk consumption. Finally, the earliest evidence for the direct use of horses as pack animals, in the form of drawings of horse-drawn carriages, was found in Mesopotamia, around 2000 BC.

Three lines of evidence for the domestication of the horse

In a 2009 Science paper, Alan K. Outram and his colleagues examined three lines of evidence for the domestication of horses in areas of Botai culture. The data that were found support the theory of the domestication of the horse between approximately 3500 and 3000 BC in what is now Kazakhstan.

The skeletons found had graceful metacarpals, this area and some bones such as the tibia, are parts of the body that are analyzed as key indicators of domesticity, since for example, the tibia in domestic horses is thinner than in wild horses.

Other elements found in this area were the remains of fatty lipids from horse milk in the vessels, evidence of the consumption of their meat, wear on the teeth and graves that buried the bodies of riders.
Other studies examined the DNA of thoroughbred racehorses and identified the specific allele that genetically controls speed and earliness. Thoroughbreds are a specific breed of horse, descended from the sons of one of three stallions known as the Byerley Turk, imported to England in the 1680s, the Arabian Darley (1704) and Godolphin Arabian (1729). The history of thoroughbred horse breeding has been recorded in the General Herd Book since 1791, and genetic data supports this history.

Horse races in the 17th and 18th centuries ranged from 3,200 to 6400 meters, and the horses were between 5 and 6 years old. In the early 1800s, the Thoroughbred horse was bred for its speed and endurance, characteristics that allowed it to run great distances at just 3 years of age.

Genetic studies looked at the DNA of hundreds of horses and approved the C-type myostatin variant gene, concluding that it had its origin from a single mare, descended from one of the three stallions 300 years ago.

Saltwater aquariums and their special care

We live in a time in which more and more people feel a special concern towards aquarium hobbies, or what is the same, the love for raising fish and other aquatic organisms in home aquariums. What’s more, recent studies show, in addition to being one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world, it has therapeutic effects that result in a reduction in stress, lowering the heart rate and producing a state of complete relaxation.

Aquariums can be fresh or salt water and hot or cold water depending on the habitat you want to reproduce. This is a very important aspect to take into account, since depending on how we choose one or the other, the characteristics, costs and care will vary considerably.
Marine aquatic species are also considerably more expensive than freshwater ones, so it is often recommended to start with a freshwater aquarium until good practice is acquired.

The saltwater aquarium

The seawater aquarium should be as large as possible to achieve maximum stability in water quality (with a minimum length of 90 cm. And a width of 30 cm.) It is convenient to be deep, because the fish Marine do not live only on the surface, and spend as much time swimming vertically up and down as horizontally.
 Almost all the fish that you have in a tropical marine aquarium are from a coral reef. In coral reefs, the oxygen level of the water is stable and the water temperatures are usually constant. The light levels are very high. This stable natural environment is the cause of marine fish being difficult to keep.
In the cold water marine aquarium, the temperature, pH, density of the water and salinity must be controlled, and a water cooler must be used.
 We have to watch where we place the aquarium, since salt water can damage furniture or carpets, we must make sure to put it in a place where we can fill or empty it without causing domestic damage. It is essential to have a glass top that fits perfectly. Not only will it prevent fish from jumping, but it will reduce evaporation of the water, which could cause drastic increases in salinity.
For many years, the care of marine fish was hampered by the need to use natural seawater (which had to be purified and stored for use) because the mixture of artificial salts was unsatisfactory. Currently, “sea salt” is available to be mixed with tap water to produce excellent synthetic water in which marine fish can thrive. Another important characteristic of seawater is its alkaline pH, normally around 8.0-8.3.
 In salty aquarium conditions, if you are not careful, both the pH and nitrogen levels can fluctuate, since the buffering action of the ocean is absent.
Fluorescents should provide bright, ultraviolet-rich light that fish need for their health, and that brings out their colors. Excess light is not dangerous, on the contrary, it will facilitate the growth of algae; marine fish feed on algae, and these, on the other hand, help neutralize the toxic residues of the fish.

5 things you can do to help bees

Here are 5 things you can do to help bees. There are always ways to help wild bees and pollinators, small actions can make a difference, from our home, our work, in the city or the countryside we can contribute and save them.

1. Know more to respect them better.

Visit a beekeeping classroom, as a family or in school groups, there are in all regions of Spain where we can learn the enormous value they lend to nature.
Bringing people closer
Inside the school or institute, suggest the visit of a beekeeper to talk about the bees and the products of the hive. In science classes, pay special attention to social insects and plant pollination.

2. Buy local honey

Local honey is produced by nearby beekeepers, it preserves the vitamins and other properties of honey to the maximum. This helps the beekeeper to cover the costs of beekeeping. The local honey meets all the requirements of food standards. Its flavor reflects the local flora and is very different from that of foreign origin sold in supermarkets. If you find jars with crystallized honey, it is a sign of its purity and that it has not been pasteurized.

3. Help protect bee swarms

Swarming is a natural process when bee colonies decide to reproduce. If a swarm appears, contact your town hall or 112 to contact a local beekeeper who will collect the swarm.
Bees, in a swarm, are usually very calm and present little danger. They become aggressive if we disturb them or spray them with water, we have to leave them alone and wait for a beekeeper to take them away.

4. Become a beekeeper

Beekeeping is a fascinating and interesting hobby, you can eat honey from your own bees. Every year, the beekeeping associations and municipalities, give introductory courses, then other organizations can advise you even to lend the first hives.

5. Call attention to our political representatives.

Ask your political representatives what is being done to further research on recent bee diseases.
Why are there fewer and fewer bees in our ecosystems, how beekeeping is supported by the City Council, the Autonomous Community or at the National level.
This helps to raise awareness among the political class, they depend on aid for research projects, courses, grants.

4 Steps to put the reins on a horse

A horse’s bridle controls the movements of the rider’s reins, so we must know how to put the reins on a horse and the bridle correctly, in order to guide our equine in the desired direction.

1. We hold the horse

start we place the reins in the neck area to hold the horse in case he tries to run away. Then we grab the equine’s head and proceed to put the bridles on the horse.

2. We put on the bridle

The second step to put the reins to a horse is to place the mouthpiece in the mouth of the horse, always with special care, because we can hurt the horse and can even bite us. There are different types of bit, the most prominent are:
    . Fillets, divided into two pieces. This is the simplest bridle system in a horse. It is formed by two curved irons joined in the center, with a ring at each end where the reins will go.
    . Bit. This type of bit consists of a single piece and tends to be more aggressive for the horse’s mouth, so it is not advisable to pull too hard on the reins.
    . Pelham, a combination of the two previous ones. This type of embouchure is quite imprecise and should only be used by an expert.

3. We place the front end

We place the frontal always behind the ears with care since horses are especially sensitive in this area and some of them hate to have their ears touched. Remove the hair from the straps so that it does not get caught and proceed to tie the reins.

4. We adjust the choke

In the mouth closure should enter a finger approximately between the strap and the horse to avoid hurting him. Then we continue adjusting the choke, so that the head does not come out if the animal scratches. Here it is recommended that at least one hand fits between the leash and the horse.
As we have seen before there are different types of muzzles, the ones we have mentioned above are only some of them, however there are many more types. The same goes for the reins, and each horse needs its own.
How can we know what each horse needs? The best thing to do is to try and choose what best suits the horse and what he is most comfortable with. We must also see what best suits our needs as riders or horsewomen.
When preparing a horse for riding, it is advisable to place the reins last. It is preferable to place the saddle of the horse first to prevent the horse from spending too much time with the bit on, as it is a nuisance for the equine and is usually a bit annoying.

4 Black and White Dog Breeds

Dogs have a wide range of coat colours and patterns but black and white can be one of the most striking see for yourself with our list 4  of black and white dog breeds.

1. Newfoundland

Newfoundland this dog is giant in size made even larger with their thick medium length hair this can be black black and white or brown although one of the largest dog breeds they are also one of the most affectionate and loving getting on especially well with children.

2. Border Collie

Border collie border collies can have both short and long hair
both of which can appear in black and white long-haired border collies are quite fluffy and will need more attention to keep their coat in shape it’s vital this dog is kept well stimulated both mentally and physically.

3. Siberian Husky

Siberian husky the fur of a husky is long but can be of various colors with black and white being one of the most common despite being adapted to very cold weather they can tolerate a range of climates their eyes are usually hazel or sky blue but many have both hues they are very active and need a lot of physical exercise to maintain their health.

4. French Bulldog

French bulldog the coat of this medium-sized dog is short fine and smooth this breed is characterized by their peculiar physical appearance with bat ears and a flattened face they are increasingly popular due to their friendly and adorable nature.

5 Reasons Do Cats Groom Themselves

Grooming in cats is not a hobby or something to simply pass the time it’s an essential habit related to their survival in this articl we explain five reasons why cats lick and groom themselves.

1. To RegulateTheir Temperature

To regulate their temperature cats sweat from their paw pads but not from their body as they lack sweat glands in these areas grooming leaves saliva on the cat’s coat which cools their body as it evaporates this cools them down in hot weather and helps avoid heat stroke.

2. To Protect against external agents

To protect against external agents a cat’s tongue has tiny spines which are very useful in removing dirt parasites and germs which may lead to serious disease find out more about why cats tongues are rough in the articl that we share with you here grooming every day prevents a number of dermatological and systemic conditions it stimulates blood flow to different areas of their body conditioning their coat in the process they also use their tongue to remove
dead hair something which is generally good for hygiene but can lead to hairballs and subsequent digestive problems in some cases if the hair balls are unable to pass surgery is required to remove them.

3. To Maintain a Neutral Body odor

To maintain a neutral body odor when cats clean themselves they eliminate personal and external body odors which can be detected by potential predators this is a genetic inheritance from their wild cat ancestors which needed a neutral body odor to both prevent themselves becoming prey and to catch their own.

4.  To Show affectio

To show affection if two cats get along it’s not uncommon to see them grooming each other it’s a sign of love and affection between individuals who do so to strengthen ties and show affection they can also do the same with humans in this articl we show you many more ways cats display affection

5. To Transmit Tranquility

To transmit tranquility when cats groom themselves it indicates they feel comfortable and at ease they often carry out this behavior to relax if the cat is able to devote their attention to grooming they are not worried about what is around them they also groom others to provide the same sense of peace.

Rules for raising rabbits in the hole

Rules for raising rabbits in the hole

Pit rabbit farming is a decent alternative for ranchers whose pets have gotten feeble and latent. It is accepted that to reestablish the equilibrium of normal powers and the ensuing improvement of creature wellbeing, it is feasible to place it in a pit nearer to nature. In addition, the creation and course of action of the pit is important for an individual to do. How do bunnies act in the opening? Is bunny reproducing mainstream in the pits?

 1. How to make a hole

Keeping rabbits in the hole must be carried out according to all the rules, which you must begin to follow when choosing a place reference edelonnogo. It is very important that the site is not under the water level or in a place with high water. It must be remembered that rabbits are constantly engaged in deepening holes, because the water level from the surface should reach more than 5 meters. The best option would be to raise rabbits in mud pits.Such a hole for rabbits would be ideal.
After the hole has been dug, and the lack of groundwater has been confirmed, it is necessary to proceed to the next steps. The first of them is the beginning of the arrangement of the pit with your own hands. It is correct to dig a hole up to 2 m deep and 3×3 in size. Construction begins only in a place where flat walls prevail, there are no terraces and other formations. For upholstery, a bayonet trowel is suitable. To prevent rabbits from escaping from the hole, you need to cover the bottom with straw at a level of 20 cm.
The construction of the pit for the rabbit is not a very difficult task, and even the drawings are not necessary to tear it off. In several photos you can see an example of an ordinary pit. To improve the house, you can try to wall the room or cover it with slate. These measures can prevent sudden collapse and stop the spontaneous and uncontrolled drilling of holes from all sides. The correct hole should have one wall not closed to mark the entrance with a shovel, the rest will be done by the rabbit.
To distinguish the pit, one must take into account the possible height of the bottom. It is better to build a hole with the extension of the entrance, to prevent crushing and collision in cases of fear and emergency evacuation.
The nuances while ranking

As experience shows, it is the female who is responsible for digging burrows, the length of which sometimes reaches more than tens of meters.To facilitate catching rabbits, the pit must have a valve or an inlet damper. You should not be afraid that the pit will take the rabbit to the surface: the slope is either horizontal or falling. The same applies to the myth that keeping rabbits in pits can worsen the condition of the garden plot and harm some plants. According to experienced rabbit breeders, such cases were not observed. A hole deeper than a meter will help prevent holes from entering the surface.
Breeding rabbits in the pits is a whole art, so it is necessary to follow the recommendations of professionals.

It is necessary to work on arranging the bottom of the hole to get rid of unpleasant odors. You can try to use a grid or strips for this. If possible, you need to change the straw in the house and arrange a wastebasket there.

It is necessary to place a feeder and a drinking bowl near one wall. To determine their number, they are directed by the number of rabbits to avoid crowding. In order to choose the height, it is important to focus on the little rabbits. Animals should have constant free access to food and water, no matter the conditions.

It is necessary to isolate the pet from other domestic animals and wild animals using a fence. Raising and keeping rabbits will be much more comfortable if you make a roof or canopy over the hole.

2. Put the rabbits in the hole

After following the construction technology, you can begin to fill the new housing with rabbits. On average, the described pit can accommodate up to 100 targets, however, to avoid aggression, it is necessary to turn on the animals in turn. It is the settlement that is considered the most important stage. There are many options for putting a pet in a hole.

Spot around 30 people until they become more grounded and adjust to another way of life, and afterward deal with the remainder of the creatures to join the work. Without burrowing abilities, it is smarter to leave the hares for meat, since they can not begin burrowing. This is expected to over-transformation to life at home and the deficiency of essential regular senses. Luckily, such cases are uncommon.
Feed just youthful creatures as long as a half year old enough. Breed doesn’t make any difference, yet grown-ups and huge people are best left in cell states. There are additionally bunnies who have lost their senses to burrow, remove their colleagues and involve their place of home. In the event that conceivable, you can place bunnies from different openings in the opening.

My Cat Hates My New Dog

My Cat Hates My New Dog
It can be difficult to predict how our cat will react if we bring home any new family member let alone a canine how well they are accepted depends on how well socialized they have been as well as other factors if your cat hates your dog animal wise helps you to understand why and what you can do about it.1. They Have never Socialized with dogs
They have never socialized with dogs the socialization period of a kitten is the stage during which they learn how to relate to their environment and lose within it whether other cats dogs people or any animal if your cat has never encountered any friendly dogs it’s understandable they will not know how to behave around them or even be scared of the unknown creature in their home
2. Had a Negative Experience
Had a negative experience another common reason why your cat hates your new dog is because they have had bad experiences with canines in the past especially if these are the only experiences they have had with dogs the trauma of their past can mean they struggle to feel secure in the present.
3. Protect Their Resources
Protect their resources if your cat was the only animal in the home it’s normal to feel a sudden pressure with the arrival of a new one the new dog in this context can appear to be a rival for their resources in the home even if the dog doesn’t have any real Interest in their food bed or accessories the cat can feel insecure and see them as a threat.
4. They Were improperly introduced
They were improperly introduced the initial introduction of the new dog to your cat is a pivotal moment in their potential relationship
it should be as gradual a process as possible since cats are very sensitive to change they need time to adapt and associate this change with something positive if the introduction is rushed the catwill likely feel ambushed and become stressed even showing aggression to their new housemate here above we share a video on some reasons why your cat attacks your dog.
5. Can a cat and dog get along ?
Can a cat and dog get along it’s not only possible for a cat and dog to tolerate each other it can even become the best of friends however each animal is an individual and will adapt at their own pace so giving them adequate time to accept the dog is essential.
6. How to Make a Cat accept a dog
How to make a cat accept a dog ensure the cat and dog have at least one area in the home that is theirs alone bear in mind that cats need to stay in high places so you will need to provide shelter off the ground so they can better monitor their environment and the dog can’t reach them they will also need access to their food and water away from each other so they are not disturbed similarly your cat’s litter tray needs to be located somewhere the dog can’t access we also suggest you invest in a synthetic pheromone spray or diffuser to help the cat feel comfortable despite such a change in their environment finally we recommend the appropriate steps to introduce cats and dogs in this article  remember the relationship between dogs and cats has a reputation for being complicated however the structuring of a stable and secure relationship between these two species will depend on all the factors that we’ve explained to you already especially make sure to be patient and introduce them gradually.